
Hiab and Tilt tray transport for the greater South West of Western Australia

STEG transport specialises in heavy tilt slide and hiab transportation / towing of containers, trucks, tractors, backhoes, bobcats, excavators, 4WD’s, forklifts and smaller vehicles as well as transportable buildings and general cargo cartage.

We have lots of experience transporting 20ft containers, machinery, building supplies, caravans and oversized items.

Depots Southwest Perth Metro and Albany with frequent long haul trips both ways between Albany, Perth Metro, Jerramungup, Mt Barker, Kojonup, Katanning, Tambellup, Denmark, Williams, Cranbrook, and beyond.

We are fully accredited by the Department of Transport and Western Power to carry oversized loads.

Breakdowns or not running can be winched up to 12 tonne, We also tow trailers or caravan up to 15 tonne gross.

Scrap picked up, wrecks removed on wheels or lifted.

We welcome enquiries for general cargo / freight cartage.

20 foot container cartage with tilt tray (or crane if empty container with appropriate access) drop off and pickup.

7.5 m tray and a range of trailers up to 9 metres long.

11 + tonne payload each on truck and trailer.

Hiab is 6.5 tonne at 2.3 metres, 2.6 tonne at 6 metres, 1.4 tonne at 10 metres, almost 1 tonne at 14 metres and 670kg at 18 metres.

Price from $130-$185 per hour + GST depending on the task and truck / trailer required.

To make a booking you can either

Fill in our online ‘Transport Enquiry’ form

Send an E-Mail to transport@steg.net.au

Call or text us on 048 772 0111 or 048 776 776 2

Find us on Facebook and Gumtree!



    Transport Enquiry

    Please fill out this form for a quote or click here to send us an E-Mail

    about steg transport

    STEG Transport is a local Western Australian family owned and operated transport service (Est. 2013) which currently operates a fleet of 2 trucks servicing the Greater South West of Western Australia from Geraldton to Ravensthorpe. We mostly operate within a 600km radius of Perth with considerable time in in the greater Perth and Albany areas.

    Some of the areas we regularly service include:

    Pinjarra, Boddington, Collie, Darkan, Boyup Brook, Williams, Kojonup, Mt Barker, Albany, Cranbrook, Katanning, Wagin, Narrogin, Brookton, Corrigin, Newdegate, York, Northam, Gingin, Moora, Jurien Bay, Dongara, Geraldton, Mandurah, Bunbury, Busselton, Margaret River, Nannup, Bridgetown, Manjimup, Pemberton, Northcliffe, Walpole, Denmark, Gnowangerup, Jerramungup and Ravensthorpe.

    tyre recycling

    STEG has developed a new environmentally clean concept of storing old tyres using storage burial cells which can then be retrieved if needed in the future.

    The process is environmentally friendly and approved by the DEP (Department of Environmental Protection).

    Please fill out the General Enquiry form below for more information.

    STEG Hiab & Tilt Tray Transport

    STEG Waste Management PTY LTD
    ACN 151 427 468
    Trading as STEG Hiab and Tilt Tray Transport

    PO Box 7245,
    Secret Harbour 6173,
    Western Australia
    A.B.N. 46 151 427 468


    Towing, Transport, Lifting and General Enquiries
    Mobile: 0487 720 111
    Email: transport@steg.net.au


    Director & Admin
    Mobile: 0487 767 762
    Email: nola@steg.net.au

    general enquiries